Authorized Version Publications

Whitewashed: A Critique of James White $19.95

In this over 800 page e-book, British researcher Alan James O’Reilly puts his engineer’s scales to White’s wobbly mass of misinformation about the King James Bible. He determines that White cannot support his recommended new version deletions of words and whole verses, fissures which make the ESV, NIV, HCSB, and TNIV collapse under the heavy weight of O’Reilly’s scholarship. O’Reilly goes behind White’s crumbling façade to find him derelict in his duty to present quotes accurately or in context. White has even been forced to muster-up a second edition of his book, ‘The King James Only Controversy,’ to patch holes and weak points which gave a gaping view of his bare-bones knowledge and his impoverished character. Like a snake, the book has shed its cover for a new one, behind which White cannot still hide his out-of-date ‘scholarship.’

 O’Reilly states, “My considered opinion is that James White has condensed into one volume virtually all the criticisms of the AV1611 that fundamentalists have leveled over the decades.  I am hopeful that my response will be useful as a summary reference to enable bible believers to respond satisfactorily to any and all of these criticisms.” O’Reilly’s table of contents proves just that:  
Author’s Introduction..................................................................................ii
White’s Introduction………………....................…......................................5
Early Conspirators and Corrupters…………………………………..7
Catholic Corrupters and Centuries of Warfare………………………14
The God-Honoured Text of the Reformation and 1611……………...17
The Jesuits – ‘Engineer Corps of Hell’………………………………20
God’s Book – the 1611 Authorised Holy Bible……………………….21

Modern ‘Scholarly’ Bitterness – and Untrustworthiness……………


Catholic Allies and the Oxford Movement…………………………...

The Revision Conspiracy……………………………………………...34

Rome Rejoices at Revision……………………………………………

Revision’s Romanizing Aftermath……………………………………40
A Serious Warning……………………………………………………43

The 1611 Authorised Holy Bible – Undefeated………………………

White’s Main Postulates Refuted……………………………………..45
Chapter 1 – “King James Only”....................................................................48
Chapter 2 – “If It Ain’t Broke…”................................................…….........52

Chapter 3 – “Starting at the Beginning”...............................................

Chapter 4 – “Putting It Together”................................................................99
Chapter 5 – “The King James Only Camp”…………………………..……187
Chapter 6 – “Translational Differences”....................................................249
Chapter 7 – “Textual Differences”.................................…..........................297
Chapter 8 - “The Son of God, the Lord of Glory”........................................395
Chapter 9 – “Problems in the KJV”..................................................…........489
Chapter 10 – “Questions and Answers”...…………………………….......579
Part Two – “The Textual Data”........................................................…........602
Further Work……………………………………………………………….687

Chapter 11 – “Vindication of Our Authorized Bible Vindicated”............


Chapter 12 – “The Old Latin and Waldensian Bibles”………………

Appendix References………………………………………………………

Who is James White?


Forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel to defend their corrupt new bible versions, the publishers settled on James White, a likeminded five-point Calvinist (who believes that God chooses certain people to burn in hell for eternity). Opening the pages of the public library reference book, Name It and Frame It, sheds light on why White is such an inept writer. You’ve seen the ads, ‘Learn Flower Arranging at Home. Prestige is just a stamp away!’ James took the bait and got his so-called Th.D. ‘doctorate’ and Th.M. the same way we get our phone bill – through the mail! His Faraston Theological Seminary (a.k.a. Columbia Evangelical Seminary) is a non-accredited correspondence “degree mill, period,” warns the reference book in its 1995, 4th edition on page 141. With his phony doctor’s degree in hand and a conscience seared so fibbing feels no pricks, James White ignorantly took on the Holy Bible, in the form which believers have loved and treasured since the first century and which, as research demonstrates, has spread across the globe as the most all-pervading text-type throughout history and around the world.


White’s unashamed dishonesty is exposed for all to see on YouTube, where he brazenly fabricates a nonsense chart himself and inserts it in his video, PRETENDING that Riplinger said the material on the chart. Listening carefully to her audio (which he purposely plays rather quietly) one can hear that she says no such thing. Desperate to salvage the sinking reputation of new versions forces him to stoop to such childish and unscholarly nonsense.


White’s junk-mail order degree is no match for true British scholarship, as O’Reilly’s 800 page volume proves.

Available only on CD-Rom.


This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 12 May, 2010.
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