Authorized Version Publications

Blind Guides 2013 UPDATE by G.A. Riplinger $16.95

Nearly 50%larger that the original Blind Guides

Riplinger's detailed and scholarly responses - unanswerable by skeptics like Hunt, Cloud, James White, Hanagraaff, House, Morey, Passantino, Robert Thomas of Master's Seminary and S.E. Schnaeter of Bob Jones University.

This 2013 Updated edition includes the new "Cloud vs Wycliffe" a 19 page scholarly response to David Cloud's latest barrage of fables about Wycliffe.

Cloud admitted in his magazine O Timothy that his review of Hazardous Materials was a phoney, written by someone playing a trick on him. He published it, pretending that he had written the review, but never having read the book himself. If he had read the book, he would have known that it had nothing to do with the contents of the Hazardous Materials. Boy, does he ever have egg on his face.

 It also adds a 4 page update on the errors new version user Dave Hunt has made. 

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 24 May, 2007.
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  1. Hazardous Materials

  2. New Age Bible Versions

  3. In Awe Of Thy Word

  4. Which Bible Is God's Word? Update 2007

  5. The Language of the King James Bible

  6. Blind Guides

  7. Cambridge Large-Print Holy Bible

  8. Transparent Translations DVD

  9. In Awe of Thy Word 3 CD-ROM set

  10. The Only Authorized Picture of Christ

  11. God Hath Done All Things Well

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