Authorized Version Publications

Hidden History PowerPoint $29.95

by Stephen C. Shutt

Riplinger's new book, The Hidden History of the English Scriptures, comes to life in this PowerPoint CD-ROM. You can give this presentation yourself in a church, Sunday School, Christian school, college, or homeschool, or even to a group of friends. The PowerPoint was prepared by Stephen C. Shutt and has been presented by him across the United States in numerous 400th Anniversary Conferences for the King James Bible. This is no boring history class or typical history of the KJB. This is not the 'canned' KJB History so often presented. It is all original research from primary sources.  It is both eye-opening and heart-warming. It will instil and encourage faith in our beloved King James Bible.

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 03 May, 2011.
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